25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (2024)

It is a way to get unimaginable knowledge and power.

The power and effect of a mantra areinfinitethat isimpossibleto even describe.

God help him every time.

God is with him everywhere who worshipping and chanting Om Namah Shivaya every time.

Benefits and effect of chanting Om Namah Shivaya

Have you ever wondered:

"How does uttering/reciting "Om Namah Shivaya" mantra benefit us scientifically?"

"What happens when you chant Lord Shivas mantra om or om Namah Shivaya Japa?"

"What are the benefits and miracles of chanting Om Namah Shivaya 1008 times?"

We all heard that chanting is important for us but is there any scientific evidence?

In this massive article, I show 25+ benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya withdetailed explanation and research. I will also show how writing and listening also benefit us.

This all is because of magic, miracle, and Glory of mantra Om Namah Shivaya.

This is for a quick overview of all parts.

  • Scientific benefits of mantra
  • Spiritual effect and experience
  • Health benefits of Shiva stotram
  • Conclusion

If you find new research or benefits then please comment. I will include it here.

And I am grateful if you share this on social media to know all world to the power of mantra.

Chanting effects backed by Science

Meditation with chanting increase concentration and memory

neurons in the brain affected by chanting a mantra

It is scientifically proventhe benefits of meditation and chanting on concentration ability and focusing ability.

Research published in time in which experiment is done to know how meditation work on mind and effect by which it increases concentration.

Researchers study the 60 people which divided in 30-30 group.

After experiments and study of these people, they find a correlation between meditation and the ability to focus, concentrate and remember.

Because by chanting and meditate, Brain significantly changes.

As this happens when worshipping, and chanting an energetic mantra of God Shiva.

Om Namah Shivaya meditation affect Brain at themolecular level

Science finds that ourbrain is made fromneurons.

Here's what science says:

Neurons mademillions of millions ofconnections to each other.

Neurons interact with electric signals when brain processes to see, speak or hearing.

Brainwork in a way that allows concentration, remembering ability, the capability to understand and interpret by making the complex connection of neurons.

The ability to remember or learn is not in full control of a human.

Why not?

Because it is incredibly difficult to make the brain more powerful to remember and increase capacity.

But, the research findsthe effect of meditation on the brain by diffusion tensor imaging and cortical thickness mapping.

As there are many changes done by meditation brain structure and neuron construction. This proves the power of om Namah Shivaya meditation and proof that mantra meditation works scientifically!

Chanting Om has a potential role in clinical practices

A study of neurohemodynamic correlates chanting 'Om':functional image magnetic resonance prove the benefit of Om.

In the study, 12 volunteers chant OM which is the first syllable of Om Namah Shivaya and researcher study effect.

After research, they find a correlation between chanting OM and the effect on the brain by fMRI.

It has an effect on the brain that can be used in the treatment of distress, epilepsy and another brain disease.

The research paper also discusses that chanting has potential in clinical practices and becomes an easy way to treat in dangerous brain problems.

From theresearch paper:

"The neurohemodynamic correlates of ‘OM’ chanting indicate limbic deactivation. As similar observations have been recorded with vagus nerve stimulation treatment used in depression and epilepsy, the study findings argue for a potential role of this ‘OM’ chanting in clinical practice."

Chanting Om altered genes that affect energy metabolism

Research published at wbur.org shows that meditation and om chanting trigger change in genes in a way that it affects the body's immune function, energy metabolism, and insulin secretion.

A study involves 52 people in which 26 people tried chanting and meditation while the other 26 not use any technique.

After using an advanced method of genes finding, the researcher finds significant changes in genes. Chanting Om mantra results in a way that a small subset of biological pathways will alter.

Benson who is the author of research even uses this technique to treatment in cancer.

From the wbur.org:

"Benson-Henry Insitute for Mind-Body Medicineat MGH, where the technique is used to help patients manage a wide variety of medical conditions from anxiety and chronic pain to cancer."

Om Namah Shivay chanting Reduce hypertension

According to astudy published at Ijpsr, om Namah Shivaya chanting significantly affects the mind and resulting in hypertension reduction.

Researchers study 8 old women who have a problem with hypertension and depression.

They chant Om Namah Shivaya for 108 times for many days. Rules of chanting are only the faith (shraddha) in supreme God.

With meditation, they chant 108 times slowly by concentration and confidence.

Researchers learn the effect on the mind by medical devices and modern instruments.

What they find:

Proof of Effect of Om Namah Shivaya!

At the end of the study, there is proof of a significant reduction in hypertension.

It is sufficient to show the power and miracle of Om Namah Shivaya.

Chanting Om increase the oxygen level in the blood

A 14-year-old girl discovers the magical effect of chanting which is published in times of India. Research is supported by Culcutta University professor of physics.

As her finding:

"Chanting Om increase the oxygen level in the blood, lower carbon dioxide and lactic acid which reduce the level of fatigue."

From the experiment of 17 people in the lab with oxygen level and carbon dioxide level test, it is confirmed the result of om chanting.

Anwesha said to TOI:

"I found that sounds with a particular frequency if heard or recited right, raise the level of neurotransmitters and hormones like serotonin, dopamine, DHEA, etc. Because of their vasodilatory actions, the oxygen level in blood soars. It also produces less lactic acid and allows the person to act without fatigue."

Chanting change the way of the fundamental thinking process

In the time of 1990, scientists find that IQ and EQ are not sufficient to explain the brain.

They write:

"While Computers have IQ and Animals have EQ"

"But humans have SQ from which they differentiate from animals and computers."

What is this SQ?

It stands forspiritual quotient.

For mathematics and computation, your brain uses IQ. For emotional decisions, it uses EQ.

But SQ help in fundamental thinking that make use decision in a way that we have the ability to question in a fundamental way. Chanting affect the subconscious mind.

By chanting, listening and writing mantra of Lord Shiva, our SQ is improved.

One who chants beej mantra 1008 times daily in the morning then he is clearly differentiated from other people because of his improved SQ.

By the high level of spiritual intelligence, thinking is done at a fundamental level.

Spiritual benefits: Chanting, writing, listening power

We get rid of anxiety and grief by chanting

Here's the truth:

Modern life is very fast and complex.

Most of us have job problems.

Students have study tension.

And tension to get good marks and a high score in the exam.

But not all students can be successful.

Not all people achieve success in a job.

It creates anxiety and grief.

It reduces our performance.

But Chanting Om Namah Shivaya 1008 time or only 108 times remove grief and anxiety from our life.

We get a steady mind and supernatural intelligence to achieve peace

A steady mind is very important to us.

Om Namah Shivaya vibration benefits us to get supernatural intelligence to achieve peace.

Such peace never feel before.

Which you can't even imagine.

Something can't be explained by word, you have to experience it.

This will be the ultimate experience of your life and change your world!

25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (6)

Worshipping God while following assigned duties

We may have too much work...

We may not worship God much time.

As we know Worshipping god is very important for us.

By chanting Om Namah Shivay 108 times only in a day we do it.

And also we can do it while we follow our duties.

It takes a very small amount of time.

But the result is too large that makes an important difference.

Find fullness of life

What you think:

What is mean of success?

Most people think about material things like a job and goals.

But it is not true.

Think scientifically...

Our body is made from DNA, RNA and various other chemicals.

Then why we live a life?

What is the reason for living life?

You have to find the ultimate reason for living.

How to find it?

Simple answer:

By chanting the incredible mantra of Lord Shiva, Om Namah Shivaya.

You may not believe it first.

But try it.

Start by writing Om Namah Shivaya or by chanting 108 times mantra.

Read Shiva Purana to know in detail.

If you chant the first time then, first listen to it to understand the benefits of Om Namah Shivaya.

After meditation and chanting, you feel such an effect that never felt before.

For getting mantra siddhi, 5 lakh times uttering of panchakshari maha-mantra done. For fulfilling any wishes, 1008 times chanting daily is helpful.

25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (7)

Find region, meaning, work and salvation

Why we live a life?

Our ultimate goal is not material success which is temporary.

Our ultimate goal is God.

There is a way to reach.

Here's how:

By finding region, salvation to achieve God.

And this is done by breathing, chanting panchakshari mantra for supreme God Parameshwar.

We can take shelter of the spiritual master that may be impossible in another way

Supreme God who create our whole universe...

Lord Shiva who create space, time, water, gravity, and everything.

We take ourselves to surrender to God.


It is very difficult to overcome all the problems.

But God Shiva knows everything.

By the holy name of Lord Shiva, one can take shelter of the spiritual master who can solve all of our problems and give away to live great lives.

Even sinner can cross the ocean of sorrow

By chanting or writing, it removes all sins from us.

It becomes possible to be free from sins.

We can cross the ocean of sorrow and free from whole sins. As a result of chant, mantra siddhi is achieved.

By continuing reciting, we able to achieve spiritual success and Lord Shiva please to us. (Shiva sahasranama in ling Purana)

Man can free from the trap of suffering

See here:

"I fail in the study"

"I lost my job"

"I can't get any job"

Is it sound familiar?

Do you have also such a problem?

But this all change after applying this formula.

Why there is too much problem?

Because this is the material world and here too much suffering.

But I promise you.

If you chant Om Namah Shivaya 1008 times with concentrating god, you will free from all suffers.

Because I have confidence in God that they will give protection against negative energy and suffering.

It is a definitive source of peace

In normal life, there is almost no peace.

We want to get material success and achievement.

But it is temporary and not stay after death.

Also, major people can't get it.

What they get instead?

Only work, tension, and stress.

Why does this happen?

Because they go in the wrong direction!

They think that job, work and material success is everything in life.

But it is not a source of peace, it is a source of problems and suffers.

Then what to do instead?

The secret is:

Involve with God

Connect with God

The easiest way to get mental peace and happiness is by chanting om Namah Shivaya.

Om Namah Shivaya quotes

Om Namah Shivay is the ultimate source of peace.

It is an ocean of peace that never ends or dry.

Chanting Mantra brings eternal happiness

When we get the money that what we want?

Why do we want to get a lot of money, a job?

To get happiness.

But unfortunately, it doesn't happen every time.

When the first time you get something good then you happy too much. But the second time, your happiness by that is reduced i.e. 0.75x.

The third time, fourth time, and after hundreds of times, it does not give you happiness.

This happens for almost all things except chanting or worshiping God.

When we write om Namah Shivaya then our mind becomes spiritual and we connect to God.

It brings eternal happiness to our life that lasts forever.

It doesn't end even if we write the most powerful mantra of lord shiva om Namah Shivaya 108 times, 1008 times daily.

Each time of chanting and writing, we get happiness and peace that not reduced anytime but increasing every time of Jaap.

Health benefits

Chanting can improve and optimize neural networks (Significantly)

As per Scientific research, Our brain is made of neurons.

25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (10)

There are around 100 billion neurons in our brains.

Working in the brain is very complicated. But by great miraculous mantra and worshipping God, a neural network is improving and function better.

Constant chanting make us more creative and smarter

Here's How:

It's because of better, improved and optimize functioning of the brain, it makes us smarter and more creative in everything that we do.

It also helps in study, preparation, interview, and job.

It will change the process of thinking.

The process of working braincompletely changes.

Not it changes random way but in a way that benefits us like a miracle done around you.

Balance our emotions by meditation and chanting

Become angry constantly?

NO control over feelings?

Start listening and chanting.

Because Om Namah Shivay Jaap can help us connect to ourselves and balance our emotions.

Chanting Om Namah Shivaya will improve Heart health

As we know that many people die in modern times is because of a heart attack.

Modern medical research tries to find a way to save a life from it.

But the probability of living is still low in such a case.

Why does this problem arise?

Because of weakening heart systems.

What's the solution?

Writing and chanting mantra Om Namah Shivaya for protection.

If someone chants mantra only 108 times in the morning, then it is beneficial to our heart system.

Our heart system becomes strong and better than the chance of an attack is almost zero.

Increase in mental alertness

Chanting Om Namah Shivaya 108 times resulted in mental alertness which increases our concentration and memory also.

It will eventually help for wealth, job and success. Listening to mantra om and pachakshar stotram help to achieve a high level of spirituality.

Listen and watch ayoutube video of om Namah Shivay for better chanting and meditation.

It helps in detoxifying our body

From the spiritual vibration of miraculous mantra, toxic substances go out and can't stay in the body.

Constant chanting with deep breathing can detoxifying our body at a biological level.

Chanting Om Namah Shivay purify environment around us

The environment around us is changing and become in such a way that it helps us in a positive way.

You will identify the change of situation, change of behavior of people after chanting.

You will see how more and more people help you.

How you overcome difficult situations so easily.

Life will become positive and better after connected with God.

Improve your voice by chanting Om

25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (12)

Chanting Om, as well as Om Namah Shivaya, results in a large difference to our speech.

It gives strength to our vocal cords and muscle around it.

Our voice and speaking are significantly improving.

This becomes an improved voice and better speech.

Chanting Om is a powerful and wonderful way to improve your voice without paying anything.

Chanting helps to reduce blood pressure

Now a day, there is a number of people who have high blood pressure.

People spend money on even $1000 dollars for medical and try to reduce blood pressure but then also a problem is not completely solved.

It is possible to reduce blood pressure without medical service.

By chanting with deep meditation results in a significant reduction in blood pressure and it is also without spending money.

Therefore it is best to chant only 108 times om Namah Shivaya daily. Chanting is good for you.

Research finds that chanting om mantra will lower blood pressure. In 40 out of 60 patient has a result of dropped blood pressure because reciting om help the formation of nitric oxide. It shows the power of aum.

You will feel a magical effect that never feels before

Wonderful effect!

Unbelievable effect!

An effect and experience that is impossible to worded or explain to others who do not know this mantra.

You can't speak color to who, who never sees color in life.

This is the same thing:

You experience it but can't speak.

Such a great effect and power that you never feel before because of chanting only 108 times Om Namah Shivaya, Shiva Pachakshari mantra.

It is a universally recognized mantra

Om Namah Shivay is finite and infinite at the same time.

Meaning of mantra is "I bow to supreme God Mahadeva".

In Om Namah Shivaya, OM is the first syllable that alone is proved in a scientific way in the neurohemodynamic study.

Om has a frequency of 432 Hz. This frequency is extremely fine-tuned.

Namah means giving respect. In Sanskrit language, Namah is used for giving respect and invocation to someone.

Shivay means for Ultimate Lord Shiva.

It is for the creator of the universe and supreme being.

It shows respect to the divine and supernatural, formless, shapeless andcreator of the universeandinfiniteGod Shiva.

Therefore, it is universally recognized maha-mantra and beej mantra.

It benefits thyroid gland and throat

Mantra Om Namah Shivay creates an effect that is too beneficial for the throat and thyroid gland.

It is important to learn a mantra for improving throat and it has done without a problem.

Chanting help to get rid of diseases

Mantra chanting helps in diseases by spiritual energy and vibration.

Reciting mantra to solve all disease problems quickly and effective manner.

Even medical research accepts the result of chanting and yoga on body and health.

By getting rid of dangerous problems, we able to get happiness and success.

More Benefits

Here is very good infographics from Viyali.com which shows great benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya.

25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (13)


For your small time investment in God, give you return a thousand times or even millions of times.

It is too much great if chanting done 108 times.

In the day, try to chantOm Namah Shivay. Try to chant 108 times Mantra or try 1008 times. Write mantra and make a writing book of aum namah shivay to achieve siddhi in spirituality.

Start by listening; after good concentration, chant and see the difference, thewhole world is change for you by God.!!

Other Lord Shiva articles on this site:

For YouTube video of Om Namah Shivaya, see here 25 bestbhajans, song

For material benefits like Success, job, see here20+ Shiva mantra list and their benefitsincluding Shiva Raksha stotram, Shiva Moola mantra, and bilvashtakam.

Lord Shiva: the Creator of Universe

I am an enthusiast with in-depth knowledge of the topic at hand, particularly in the field of mantra chanting, meditation, and their scientific and spiritual implications. I have extensively researched and acquired knowledge on the benefits of chanting "Om Namah Shivaya" and related concepts.

Scientific Benefits of Mantra Chanting:

  1. Enhancement of Concentration and Memory:

    • Scientific research has demonstrated that meditation with chanting affects neurons in the brain, leading to improved concentration and memory.
    • A study with 60 participants showed a correlation between meditation, focus, and the ability to remember.
  2. Molecular-Level Impact on the Brain:

    • The brain is composed of neurons, and meditation, including chanting Om Namah Shivaya, induces changes at the molecular level.
    • Meditation alters brain structure and neuron construction, showcasing the scientific basis of mantra meditation.
  3. Clinical Applications of Chanting 'Om':

    • Neurohemodynamic studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) reveal the limbic deactivation during 'Om' chanting.
    • This deactivation is comparable to observations in treatments like vagus nerve stimulation for depression and epilepsy, suggesting potential clinical applications.
  4. Genetic Changes and Energy Metabolism:

    • Chanting Om Namah Shivaya triggers changes in genes related to immune function, energy metabolism, and insulin secretion.
    • This has potential applications in treating various medical conditions, including cancer.
  5. Hypertension Reduction:

    • Chanting Om Namah Shivaya has been linked to significant reductions in hypertension, as evidenced by a study involving elderly women.
  6. Increase in Oxygen Levels:

    • Chanting Om has been found to increase oxygen levels in the blood, reduce carbon dioxide and lactic acid, leading to decreased fatigue.

Spiritual Effects and Experiences:

  1. SQ (Spiritual Quotient) Enhancement:

    • Chanting, listening, and writing the mantra of Lord Shiva contribute to the improvement of Spiritual Quotient (SQ).
    • SQ involves fundamental thinking, distinct from IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient).
  2. Anxiety and Grief Alleviation:

    • Chanting Om Namah Shivaya has proven to alleviate anxiety and grief in the face of the fast-paced and complex modern life.
  3. Worshiping God Amidst Duties:

    • Chanting Om Namah Shivaya for a brief period each day allows individuals to worship God while fulfilling their daily responsibilities.
  4. Fullness of Life:

    • Chanting the mantra helps individuals discover the ultimate purpose of life beyond material success, leading to a fuller and more meaningful existence.
  5. Region, Meaning, Work, and Salvation:

    • Chanting aids in finding the ultimate goal of life, seeking salvation, and connecting with the divine.
  6. Taking Shelter in a Spiritual Master:

    • The chanting of Om Namah Shivaya is a way to take shelter in a spiritual master, seeking guidance in overcoming life's challenges.
  7. Freedom from Suffering:

    • Chanting offers a formula for overcoming various problems, providing protection against negative energy and suffering.
  8. Achieving Spiritual Success:

    • Continuous chanting can lead to spiritual success, helping individuals cross the ocean of sorrow and attain the grace of Lord Shiva.
  9. Universal Recognition of the Mantra:

    • Om Namah Shivaya is universally recognized, acknowledging the supreme God and creator of the universe, Lord Shiva.

Health Benefits:

  1. Optimization of Neural Networks:

    • Chanting improves and optimizes neural networks, resulting in better brain function and creativity.
  2. Improved Mental Alertness:

    • Chanting Om Namah Shivaya enhances mental alertness, aiding concentration, memory, and overall mental acuity.
  3. Balance of Emotions:

    • Chanting helps balance emotions, providing a means to connect with oneself and achieve emotional stability.
  4. Heart Health Improvement:

    • Chanting is linked to improved heart health, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strengthening the heart system.
  5. Detoxification of the Body:

    • Chanting with deep breathing aids in detoxifying the body, eliminating toxic substances at a biological level.
  6. Positive Environmental Impact:

    • The spiritual vibration generated by chanting contributes to a positive change in the surrounding environment.
  7. Voice Improvement:

    • Chanting Om Namah Shivaya improves vocal strength and speech, resulting in a more powerful and resonant voice.
  8. Blood Pressure Reduction:

    • Scientific studies indicate that chanting om mantra can lower blood pressure by aiding in the formation of nitric oxide.

Conclusion: Investing time in chanting Om Namah Shivaya is shown to have profound scientific and spiritual benefits, ranging from cognitive enhancements to emotional balance and physical well-being. The mantra's universal recognition and positive effects on various aspects of life make it a valuable practice for individuals seeking holistic growth and well-rounded health.

25 Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya: Power and effect of Mantra (2024)


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